Griffin Furlong’s valedictorian speech begins with the standard statistics about the accomplishments of his graduating class, a couple self-deprecating jokes, and a promise to make this the most non-boring …
Officers in the Truckee division of the California Highway Patrol pulled over a driver after they caught a glimpse of what was on her tires. The driver recently found …
I work for a big satellite tv company, doing residential installs for satellite tv. Several months ago I did an install at a duplex in a small town for …
“I will not cry.” I repeated my mantra as we drove to the courthouse. “You will not weep,” I admonished myself over and over again as we climbed the …
When a man volunteers to do the BBQ the following chain of events are put into motion: Routine… 1. The woman buys the food. 2. The woman makes the …
1. From my mother: IT’S NOT TURNING ON NOW BECAUSE YOU DOWNLOADED WHATEVER THAT FIREFOX THING IS. 2. Reaching over my shoulder and pressing the power button, while I …
Animal Rights activists in the state of Ohio are rejoicing with the new law that went into effect on September 13, 2016. They will finally charge anyone who harms …
An American tourist in London was desperate to take a leak. After a long search he couldn’t find any public bathroom to relieve himself. So he went down one …
Everyone has heard of the man or woman who slams on their brakes in order to get rear-ended so that they can make an insurance claim and get paid. …
When this mother was pulled over by a cop, she thought it was just for a routine, roadside check in the middle of a school zone. But she never …
I was the result of a high school fling. My mother was 16 when she got pregnant with me, my father was 18. She didn’t tell him about my …
Kelly Carter works as a server at Anita’s New Mexico Style Café in Ashburn, Virginia. After she was done serving, she went to collect all of the tabs from …