Michelle Edmisten has a daughter in the 7th grade. When she found out her daughter was learning about the Islam religion as part of the curriculum, she was furious! Edmisten …
Tattoos are a form of expression that is a permanent decision that stays forever. Which is why one woman in New Zealand embraced the idea of temporary tattoos. Suzie, …
During our lifetime, we fall in and out of love, break up, sometimes we may get back together again. Some people enter our lives forever, while others go away. …
Jetta Fosberg is a loving 10-year-old girl who wanted to make a difference in society. She grew her hair out long and did the unthinkable for a girl her age. …
(I am working the cash register at a fast food restaurant when a girl no older than 15 comes up to order.) Girl #1: “I’ll have a number three …
This happened on TAM airlines. A 50-something year old white woman arrived at her seat and saw that the passenger next to her was a black man. Visibly furious, …
A man came home from work and found his 3 children outside, still in their pajamas, playing in the mud, with empty food boxes and wrappers strewn around the …
We went to breakfast at a restaurant where the ‘seniors’ special’ was two eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast for $2.99. ‘Sounds good,’ my wife said. ‘But I don’t …
Yesterday, we were working on a story about a 9-year old boy being bullied at school for using a My Little Pony backpack. The school responded by telling the …
Airborne less than 30 minutes on an outbound evening flight, the lead flight attendant on the cabin crew nervously made the following painful announcement: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m so …
Every woman has to work at being beautiful and attractive. However, did you know that you do not need to splurge on expensive beauty products to achieve a vibrant …
Shelter dogs often get a bad rap, when they’re looked at as somehow “damaged” or less worthy than other dogs. But one man is determined to prove that’s untrue …