There is a real cap on our productivity and after we hit it, we struggle to maintain and lose the ability to do our job at our best. Unfortunately, …
Smoking is one of the most unhealthy habits you can have. The nicotine in cigarettes causes issues such as lung damage, hypertension, and heart issues. It accelerates metabolic syndrome, diabetes 2, …
Coconut oil might just be the most versatile health food on the planet with uses ranging from cooking oil, to natural medicine, to beauty treatments. Now, we’re going to …
Many people confuse the terms “core” and “abs”, but they are quite different. The core is a larger term and involves the abs, glutes (butt), lower back muscles, and …
Sophie Addison, a popular blogger and skincare expert, wrote this fabulous article. Check out her Facebook and Pinterest pages too. No one has perfect skin, and there are countless …
Yazemeenah Rossi is one of those incredible people who proves that age is just a number. She showed the world that not only young girls can be successful supermodels. …
This delicious and simple wine gummy bear recipe will not only delight your guests, but will leave you feeling fantastic as well. Here’s everything you know to make this …
The human body has many flaws and doesn’t always functioning normally. One of most common issues is a floater in the eye. Floaters are small blobs, lines or other …
Of all addictions, one of the hardest to quit is smoking. The nicotine in cigarettes is highly addictive, and the cravings become stronger the more you smoke. Those who …
As the world around you becomes louder and more cluttered, you may find yourself seeking out the mental and physical relaxation that silent places and silence have to offer. …
Zucchini helps you lose weight, promotes eye health, and is loaded with vitamins. Now, you can enjoy all of those benefits and satisfy your sweet tooth with this amazing …
After Charity and Brenton Robinson had adopted a little boy, named Lincoln, they decided to spend a night at the rodeo with the family. Unbeknownst to them, everything was …