There’s a reason that some of the world’s most popular vacation destinations are on water. Put very simply, because it’s soothing. Since ancient times, humans have attributed healing and …
Hollywood A-listers Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock appeared on The Jonathan Ross Show to promote their 2013 movies Captain Phillips and Gravity. Ross invited Hanks and Bullock to play …
This was recorded by the U.S. Navy Band at the Concerts on the Avenue series at the U.S. Navy Memorial in 2014. (Source) If you know someone who might …
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Being humble in life is a really important personality trait to develop. It helps makes us kind, and understand situations from other people’s shoes. If we are more fortunate, …
Results of a recent Canadian study suggest that the more time babies and toddlers spend on smartphones and tablets, the more likely they are to have a speech delay. …
The answers students gave on this GCSE exam are hilarious! What did you think about this one? (Source) If you know someone who might like this, please click …
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Sexual assault is a serious problem in our society. There is no place for it whatsoever and the crime should be punished in a very serious manner. Information is …
If you’re looking for the perfect summer dessert that’s sure to delight your guests, look no further than this delicious sweet wine ice cream recipe! All you need is …
Avocados have become one of the newest staples of healthy eating due in large part to their amazing nutritional value – and maybe a teeny tiny bit due to …
According to a new study out of UNAM’s department of psychology, men who are in relationships with chubby women tend to be happier and better at dealing with problems …