When Glenn Greenwald and David Miranda were walking in the forest of Rio de Janeiro, they came across a dog on the side of the road. They named her …
Many Europeans believe in the benefits of napping so much that they shut down in the afternoon to allow everyone to take a quick power nap, recharge, and come …
A deceased Texan’s loved ones composed an intense and vicious obituary regarding the departed 75-year-old and his questionable life, crafting what they considered a completely sincere farewell that the …
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Summer is right around the corner, and while you’re busy working on that beach body, stocking up on bathing suits, and planning your sun-filled getaways — you might also …
Whenever anyone meets my dad, I imagine they first notice how handsome he is: the striking blue eyes, jet black hair, and cleft in his chin. But next, I’ll …
In 2009, we were situated in a little Observation Post somewhere in Kandahar for a week or two at a time, with nothing but rations to fill our bellies. …
Here are 16 things that only dog lovers and owners will have experienced at least once and will definitely understand! 1. That sad look you just can’t get mad …
Anxiety disorder is a very hard mental issue to deal with, not only for the person who has it but also for friends and family members surrounding the afflicted …
Just one more reason to confirm that moms are superheroes. In a recent study, scientists accidentally discovered that a mother’s breast milk contains a substance that kills tumor cells. …
Starting with a few facts about the dangers of texting and driving, people taking their driver’s test in this video must do so while texting. Clearly, the drivers don’t …
Do you know a person like Kevin? Maybe it’s someone close to you who you take care of every day. Maybe there’s someone, but only in the periphery of …