Erick Scott knows first-hand what suffering from PTSD is like, and because he’s affected by PTSD, Scott was paired with a special service dog, named Gumbo. Gumbo helps him …
God has a way of allowing us to be in the right place at the right time. I was walking down a dimly lit street late one evening when …
Justin Dale Ray, 21, Josie Bousman, 20, and Carla Raye Bousman, 62, have all been charged in the case of Sabrina Ray. Justin Ray was charged with two felony …
Officers responded to a residential burglary in an elderly woman’s home while she was out. The suspects broke the woman’s front window to gain entry, ransacked her entire house, …
Victoria Wild, a model, spent over $45,000 on plastic surgery. She had several procedures including rhinoplasty, lip implants, breast enhancements and Botox. Her goal was to look like an …
Mother-of-three, Carolyn Hartz, has a bronzed complexion and fit bikini body that women thirty years her junior would envy. But, can you guess how old she is? Hartz, an …
Mary was married to a male chauvinist……. They both worked full time, but he never did anything around the house and certainly not any housework. That, he declared, was …
A heart attack can be a preventable tragedy. It all comes with knowledge. If you know the warning signs, you can turn a tragedy into a positive. This is …
Welcome to the new age! There was a time, not so long ago, that enjoying two of your favorite guilty pleasures in one recipe meant two separate sittings. But, …
As it turns out, not only sugar based foods and drinks are bad for us in a dietary sense, but tooth decay in kids is a direct result of …
I stopped off at Goodwill this morning to check out what they had when I noticed that a lady and her kid—a small girl—came in and asked if she …
God: Men, what car you get in Heaven will depend on how faithful you were to your wives on Earth. Man 1: Please God, I can’t count how many …