This is a true story of Mother’s Sacrifice during the Japan Earthquake. After the Earthquake had subsided, when the rescuers reached the ruins of a young woman’s house, they …
Our body is a smart and sophisticated machine and when in trouble, it sends us signals in order to do something about it. Here are 10 signals and don’t …
Those that exhibit high levels of emotional intelligence are drastically more self-aware than their peers, work better with others and are promoted at a much faster pace. But, have …
The weather in Stockholm, Sweden can get downright frigid. With an average January temp of just 27 degrees, growing conditions are not only unfavorable in the winter, but downright …
I’m crying tears of THANKS as I share this with you. Here I am at Cracker Barrel with all 5 of my kids by myself. Will is working, and …
Dear Suzie, Welcome to our family and more importantly, to married life. Here’s a married man’s dictionary that I thought would help you a whole lot. “IT’S A GUY …
A woman saved a boy’s life when a car smashed him into a wall. Shanta Jordan jumped in front of a vehicle as it barreled into the side of …
A young husband comes home one night, and his wife throws her arms around his neck: “Darling, I have a great news: I’m a month overdue. I think we’re …
Results of a new study have revealed that if everyone went vegan, 8 million fewer people would die per year by 2050, and global warming could be slashed. By …
Look, there’s no sugar coating it. Being a parent can be tough. Fortunately, for most of us, even the most challenging of days can be turned around with a …
Most people wear shoes inside their house. Recently, several scientific studies suggest that is a bad idea. Even though some bacteria is good for us, if you have ever …
I was sitting on a fire truck during a festival in New Albany, Indiana. The step on the fire truck was the only place I could find to sit …