These husbands and wives were feeling a bit frustrated when they took the passive-aggressive route and got on Twitter! The following is a collection of hilarious tweets that are sure to speak to every married person out there.
1. Most wives would be thrilled with a pet panda…unless of course there’s no food in the house.
2. Once you’re married, you start asking the important questions in life
3. All it takes is one minute of snoring.
4. You know you need to step your game up when the cashier questions your marriage.
5. This husband needs to really let it go.
6. One brain to rule them all.
7. She wouldn’t have to yell if you didn’t do such stupid things while she was gone.
8. Don’t underestimate the persuasiveness of your wife.
9. I wonder what gave it away?
10. Money is the root of at least 90 percent of all marriage woes.
11. It’s like reading your spouse’s mind.
12. If you put your foot in your mouth like this guy did, you’ll end up folding laundry for the rest of your life.
13. If this man spent as much time with his wife as he does thinking of puns, they might not need to see a therapist.
14. Seriously though, this back-and-forth can go on for hours.
15. There’s still hope that he won’t also act like his father.
16. I have a feeling this isn’t the first time they’ve both forgotten about date night.
17. Who needs coffee anyways?
18. Marriage is all about getting your priorities in order.
19. Here’s a bit of advice: Your spouse definitely knows about every single loophole.
20. How dare you interrupt his beauty sleep!
21. Cooking once every 13 years can be hard work.
22. He kind of has a point.
23. He picks things up and puts them down.
24. I’m not sure anyone’s ever in the mood for burnt lasagna.
25. They say never go to bed angry. They probably haven’t met this woman’s husband.
26. No one wants to be stuck taking out the trash.
27. How did you spend your Friday night?
28. Respect their personal bubble and you’ll be married for years to come.
29. I’m sure it made sense at the time.
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