Beauty Secrets That Are As Old As Time, Yet Still Work Wonders Today

Women have strived for beauty secrets since the beginning of time.  Below are several natural secrets that have proved their worth over the ages.

Olive oil

beauty secrets

This was called “golden,” and with good reason: olive oil is now a base for numerous skin and hair care creams, shampoos, and balms.


beauty secrets

Ancient Roman women would spend many hours in their baths making their skin smooth as silk.

Aromatherapy massage

beauty secrets

Massage has always been a favorite of ladies, and when aroma balms and oils are added, the skin is treated and thoroughly refreshed.

Textured fabric instead of a scrub

beauty secrets

When there’s no scrub at hand,  a cloth will do away with dead skin cells.


beauty secrets

Sugar scrubs are the best for getting rid of dead skin cells!

Rosehip and cream balm

beauty secrets

Roses for fragrance and rose cream for the softest skin ever.

Honey masks

beauty secrets

Honey also has numerous qualities for beauty. Use it as an anti-cellulite massage: just apply some honey to the troubled area, press your palm against it, tear your hand away, and repeat.

Henna and basma

beauty secrets

Women have long used henna and basma to make their hair strong, healthy.

Egg masks

beauty secrets

There are many recipes, but the essence is the same: egg masks make hair strong and shiny and skin supple.

Cabbage leaves

beauty secrets

This trick has been used by breastfeeding mothers for hundreds of years. The pain- and inflammation-relieving properties of cabbage leaves make them soothing for mothers when applied directly to the breasts.

Sour cream

beauty secrets

This was discovered by accident when someone washed out a dish of sour cream and found that their hands became soft and tender the next day. If you have some, don’t hesitate to use it every day.

Lemon juice

beauty secrets

If henna and basma make hair red or dark, then lemon juice and sun lighten it up.


beauty secrets

Clay is indispensable to make radiant skin, strong hair, smooth trouble areas free of cellulite — clay has worked wonders since ancient times.

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